
Vendre en toute garantie

  • Register to create your account on CityToo - Click here to register
  • If you are registered, you can register the products you want to sell - Click here to sell
  • As soon as a buyer places an order, you are notified by email and by alert message in your account.
  • You can accept or reject the buyer's offer.
  • If accepted, CityToo collects the money from the sale.
    You can therefore send your product with full guarantee.
  • Upon receipt of the product by the buyer and agreement thereof, the sale is concluded and CityToo releases the money to credit it to your CityToo account. At your request, it is immediately transferred to your bank account.
  • If the buyer forgets to give his consent, the sale is concluded automatically after 21 days.
  • If the buyer is not satisfied, CityToo undertakes to return the product within 7 days.
  • In the event of a dispute, CityToo arbitrator based on the supporting documents provided by the buyer and the seller.

You can only win

The sale of an object is free and unlimited. This does not commit you to anything, if you do not sell on CityToo, it does not cost you anything.

Do not forget to set your prices taking into account the commission corresponding to the remuneration for the service offered by CityToo:

The commission is a variable part of the sale price calculated in installments:

1% TTC du prix sur la tranche au-delà de 500 €
5% TTC du prix sur la tranche entre 300 et 500 €
10% TTC du prix sur la tranche entre 100 et 300 €
15% TTC du prix sur la tranche en deça de 100 €

You will notice that the commission is calculated only on the sale price. You therefore do not pay any commission on the shipping costs. And you will also notice that no variable part, nor any minimum amount is taken: with our competitors, these additional costs can double the commission.

Last good news! CityToo pays you the shipping costs.


The calculations are made automatically by the site according to the rules detailed above.

Example of the calculation of the amount paid to the seller for a DVD sold 8,00 € :

DVD price : 8,00 €
Commission : 15% x 8,00 = 1,20 € TTC
Shipping costs refunded to the seller : 2,50 €
Total paid to the seller : (8,00 + 2,50) - 1,20 = 9,30 €

Example of the calculation of the amount returned to the seller for a television sold 1100 € :

TV price : 1100,00 €
Commission : 1%x(1100-500) + 5%x(500-300) +10%x(300-100) + 15%x100 = 51,00 € TTC
Shipping costs refunded to the seller : 22,50 €
Total paid to the seller : (1100 + 22,50) - 51,00 = 1071,50 €

 Seller FAQs - Practical questions

To sell products

Is it paid, is it free?
You can only win because the sale is free and unlimited and it is you who set the sale price taking into account the commission corresponding to the remuneration of the service offered by CityToo. This commission is taken only if you sell. If you don't sell anything, it doesn't cost you anything.

How many products can we sell?
You can list an unlimited number of products for sale. The more products you put up for sale, the more likely you are to sell more.

Can we add photos, videos?
You can add as many photos and videos as you want at no additional cost.

My product has been deleted, why?
Make sure to respect the following quality rules:

  • upload in the correct category
  • the city must be correctly entered
  • the title must be precise and the description must be coherent
  • the price must be correct
  • the photo must be of high quality and respect the law
  • for safety and quality reasons, the title and description must not include your personal contact details
  • a product on sale = a unique product = a correct price = a potential order

How to register as a professional?
You can register as a professional. At the time of your registration, you can specify the type of your account, specify while you are professional.

How to sell a vehicle, a motorcycle, a boat, a property?
For these products, an interested buyer will send you a message via the site to ask you questions or to arrange a meeting. You just need to buy points online on the site to read the responses to your ads. It won't cost you anything if you don't have answers.

Can we sell accessories for vehicles, motorcycles, boats?
Yes, you can list these products for sale. Buyers place their orders online.

Delivery times and costs

I don't know the shipping costs to ship my product?
We offer you a pricing grid which will allow you to help you quickly calculate your shipping costs. We also show you the most famous carriers. In addition, for each product that you sell on CityToo, you can set the price for the following delivery times:

  • express delivery (48H Chrono)
  • normal delivery (3 to 4 days)
  • slow delivery (more than 4 days)
  • delivery pick-up on site (No shipping costs)

Do you pay back the shipping costs?
Yes of course! Shipping costs are paid by the buyer and are returned to you in full.

And removal on site, is it possible?
Yes of course! This is practical if you do not prefer to ship a particular product, or if the product is bulky (TV, fridge, washing machine, etc.)

How does the on-site collection work?
Everything normally except that you do not ship the package:

  • The buyer pays for his order online. The money is blocked in a suspense account.
  • You accept the order
  • Your personal details are sent to the buyer who arranges an appointment with you.
  • The buyer collects his order on site. The buyer has nothing to pay on the spot.
  • Later, as soon as the buyer agrees, the sale is concluded and CityToo releases the money to credit it to your CityToo account. At your request, it is immediately transferred to your bank account.
  • If the buyer forgets to give his consent, the sale is concluded automatically after 21 days.
  • If the buyer is not satisfied, CityToo undertakes to return the product within 7 days.

Does the buyer have to pay the shipping cost more than once if he orders more than one item from me?
Yes ! On the other hand, you must grant a reduction of 75% on the shipping costs of the cheapest items in the event that the buyer orders several items from you.

Are the shipping costs increased if the buyer decides to have it delivered to a foreign country?
Yes! The shipping costs of items delivered to a foreign country are automatically increased by 150%. We pay you all of these shipping costs.


How does it work when I have an order?
As soon as a buyer places an order, you are notified by email and by alert message in your account. You must accept or decline this order.

What happens if I accept an order?
After acceptance, you can send the package to the buyer with full guarantee by the carrier of your choice while respecting the delivery time chosen by the buyer.

Why can I ship the package with full guarantee when I still have not been paid?
CityToo has already collected the money from the sale. This money is blocked in a suspense account. This money is intended for you, you can then deliver in full guarantee. Upon receipt of the product by the buyer and agreement thereof, the sale is concluded and CityToo releases the money to credit it to your CityToo account. At your request, it is immediately transferred to your bank account.

What happens if I decline an order?
The order is canceled. In addition, we consider that this product is no longer available, and this product is temporarily withdrawn from sale. In addition, buyers will see your order acceptance rate decreased.

What happens if I forget to accept an order?
After a period of 1000,224 working hours, the order is canceled and we put your account in vacation mode. All your products are temporarily withdrawn from sale until you return from vacation.


Who pays me and when?
Upon receipt of the product by the buyer and agreement thereof, the sale is concluded and CityToo releases the money to credit it to your CityToo account. At your request, it is immediately transferred to your bank account.

What happens if the buyer forgets to give his consent?
The sale is concluded automatically after 21 days: CityToo releases the money to credit it to your CityToo account. At your request, it is immediately transferred to your bank account.

When and how is the money transferred to my bank account?
From your RIB (Bank Identity Statement) and at your request, we immediately make transfers from your CityToo account to your bank account.

If the buyer is not satisfied

What if the buyer is not satisfied?
CityToo undertakes to return the product to you within 7 days. CityToo reimburses you for shipping costs up to a limit of 10 euros.

What happens if the buyer returns the broken or visibly damaged product?
If the buyer cannot prove that the product was already broken or damaged, the sale is concluded on condition that the product is returned to the buyer. Return costs are reimbursed to you by CityToo up to a limit of 10 euros.

Privacy and protection of personal data

What is your policy with regard to personal data?
CityToo undertakes never to resell the personal information of its customers to other companies. We also do not do direct sales by phone or fax.
Privacy and protection of member data


Secure payment


Latest generation marketplace
Guaranteed Compare, Buy, Sell © in addition to 14 local classifieds services.

First site to pay you
1 € par annonce déposée.

Quality site
View ads that are less than 60 days old.

Trusted site
Buy and pay with full guarantee on CityToo, you will be refunded if you are not satisfied, and the seller will not be paid.

100% secure purchase
Make your purchase and pay with full guarantee by credit card on CityToo.

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If you like

We would be very grateful if you could write about it on your blog or write an article to recommend our website.

Benjamin Loire
President and co-founder

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Copyright © 2004-2024 CityToo - All rights reserved. The brands and trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Official time at the head office of CityToo : 17-Sep-2024 16:54:44 Paris, France